Get outside, go for a walk and take your shoes off! One of my favourite destinations to combine all three is the Jenna K. Morrison Reflexology Footpath in Dufferin Grove Park. (You can read more about the history and design of the footpath in this article.) It's an opportunity for urban feet to enjoy a change of pace from flat concrete. Walking the infinity ...
I just got back from my great-niece’s first birthday party in Ottawa. I adore her! It seems she's inherited my passion for hands-on helping. Future osteopath? I find the drive tedious, so we decided to take the train. An opportunity to view the brilliant fall colours and catch up on reading. Sadly, Via Rail’s new seats are bum-numbingly uncomfortable. ...
Those ebbs and flows in energy and focus that you experience throughout the day - perfectly natural. Pushing through or reaching for a shot of caffeine can have adverse health consequences. Better to respect your body; exhale and unplug, close your eyes or take a walk. You'll feel refreshed and ready to go again in no time. This information isn't new, but back ...
One does not have be a combat soldier, or visit a refugee camp in Syria or the Congo to encounter trauma. Trauma happens to us, our friends, our families, and our neighbors. ~ Bessel van der Kolk As a hands-on therapist, I see the effects of trauma on the human body all too frequently. From infants who experienced a difficult birth to adults of all ages who ...
Can osteopathic treatment help me after my baby is born? When is the best time for a visit? I see a lot of pregnant women in my office (you can read why here), so I'm often asked how I can help new moms. Back and neck pain, fatigue, and varying degrees of pee problems are the most common postpartum complaints I hear. Osteopathic treatment is an effective ...
Pregnancy can be stressful; there is so much unknown. Mindfulness meditation is an increasingly popular approach to managing this stress and preparing for childbirth and beyond. Potential benefits of mindfulness include: reducing anxiety, stress, and the risk of perinatal depression managing pain during pregnancy and labour enhancing 'connection' ...
Clients are occasionally caught off guard when I ask them to get undressed (to their underwear) before we start the hands-on portion of our session. Apparently this surprise is not uncommon. A recent U.K. study found that the lack of forewarning about the need to undress for treatment was one area where osteopaths did not meet patients expectations. You can read ...
When I'm working with clients, we often discuss habits - eating, moving, working, sleeping, or other aspects of self-care. And I frequently make suggestions for better health - cutting back on sugar, walking daily, sitting less or going to bed earlier. However, many people, myself included, find it difficult to change their habits, even if they have the best ...
"A city within a park." – Toronto's slogan that appears in many places, including the small park at the end of my street. Thirteen percent of our city is parkland, yet I find it difficult to feel truly connected to nature without making an effort. Maybe because most of my daily walking destinations are along concrete sidewalks. I make a point of finding green ...
In allopathic medicine, structural problems that may lead to infertility include uterine fibroids, polyps, scarring (from previous injuries or surgeries) or an unusually shaped uterus. As an osteopathic manual practitioner, I consider all the structures of your body and how they impact your reproductive health. Structure Governs Function How can your physical ...