Those ebbs and flows in energy and focus that you experience throughout the day – perfectly natural. Pushing through or reaching for a shot of caffeine can have adverse health consequences. Better to respect your body; exhale and unplug, close your eyes or take a walk. You’ll feel refreshed and ready to go again in no time.
This information isn’t new, but back on my radar after listening to a recent episode of The Living Experiment, my new favourite podcast. All about helping you live healthier in an unhealthy world. Hosts Pilar Gerasimo and Dallas Hartwig explore a different theme each week, with suggested ‘experiments’ to help you discover what works best for you.
Episode 7, Pause, focuses on ultradian rhythms, the rest-activity cycles our body goes through approximately every 90 minutes. Pilar and Dallas talk about how taking short ‘ultradian’ breaks improves your energy, mood, creativity, and productivity. They also share how you can recognize the signs that you need a break and ideas for health-promoting ‘pauses’.
I won’t give it all away. You can listen to the podcast here (and read the show notes with additional resources) or learn more in Pilar’s post All About Ultradian Rhythms.
I would love to hear how your living experiment goes… Any ideas to add to the ways to take a healthy break?
Let me know what you think!