I think my pillow might be the reason for my stiff neck. I can't seem to find one that's comfortable. What do you recommend? ~ FAQ Every time I see someone in a movie sleeping with their head propped up on a super high pillow I cringe. And hotel pillows - aargh – so thick and never comfortable! A pillow that’s too high keeps your neck at an unnatural angle. ...
My Day of Mindfulness
Friday the 13th is often considered unlucky; this past one was most fortunate for me. I participated in a full day Mindfulness Core Concepts workshop. It's part of the health professionals program at the Centre for Mindfulness Studies. What an enlightening day! My introduction to meditation was as a kid. My unconventional father took our entire family to ...
Immune Boosting – Move Your Fluids!
The movement of body fluids is essential to the maintenance of health – a key principle of osteopathy. Your immune system vessels don't have a pump so they rely on muscular contraction and changes in pressure to move lymphatic fluid. Regular and frequent whole body movement keeps those fluids flowing freely. My colleague, restorative exercise specialist Petra ...
Walking the Footpath to Better Health
Get outside, go for a walk and take your shoes off! One of my favourite destinations to combine all three is the Jenna K. Morrison Reflexology Footpath in Dufferin Grove Park. (You can read more about the history and design of the footpath in this article.) It's an opportunity for urban feet to enjoy a change of pace from flat concrete. Walking the infinity ...
Energy and Focus – Ebbs and Flows
Those ebbs and flows in energy and focus that you experience throughout the day - perfectly natural. Pushing through or reaching for a shot of caffeine can have adverse health consequences. Better to respect your body; exhale and unplug, close your eyes or take a walk. You'll feel refreshed and ready to go again in no time. This information isn't new, but back ...
Get Outside – For Your Body and Your Brain
"A city within a park." – Toronto's slogan that appears in many places, including the small park at the end of my street. Thirteen percent of our city is parkland, yet I find it difficult to feel truly connected to nature without making an effort. Maybe because most of my daily walking destinations are along concrete sidewalks. I make a point of finding green ...
Why Walk?
Walking is a man's best medicine. ~ Hippocrates I’ve always been a walker; it’s in my genes. Yours too. The commonly cited benefits of walking include cardiovascular fitness, weight management, diabetes prevention and enhanced cognitive function. In his video “23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?”, Doctor-Professor Mike ...
Alignment Snack: “Can’t Get Enough Shoulders”
Today I’m sharing something for you to do instead of something for you to read. “Upper back, neck and shoulder tension” is a common complaint from my clients. Not surprising since so many people work at a computer for hours each day. Or have jobs where they are lifting, carrying or doing other work with their hands - like parents! Plus so many of our favourite ...
Restorative Exercise — You Are How You Move!
I discovered Katy Bowman's 'exercise is not movement' platform after reading her "Katy Says" blog. It was the missing link I'd been looking for: safe, effective biomechanically correct natural movement for optimal health — for myself and my clients. The objective analysis of alignment and philosophy of movement fits with both my personal beliefs and the ...
Why Winter Walking Rocks!
You can't get too much winter in the winter. ~ Robert Frost I love walking in winter. It’s tranquil and beautiful; simultaneously calming yet invigorating. I enjoy the crunch of snow underfoot and the slight sting of flakes on my face. I appreciate having fewer people in my path and am surprised how I hear entirely different sounds than in summer. And it's much ...